Official SealDepartment of Human Resources

Supplemental Questionnaire

Last Name
First Name


0931 MANAGER III (PEX-0931-075366)




The purpose of the Supplemental Questionnaire is to assist with determining possession of the Minimum Qualifications for the 0931 Manager III – Emergency Medical Service Administrator position as well as to identify your experience in other job-related areas.

If you experience technical difficulties, make note of any error messages and contact the analyst before the filing deadline. Responses should be consistent with the information on your employment application and are subject to verification.


Please select the highest level of education that you have completed.

High School Diploma or equivalent
Associate's degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
None of the above

Please list the school(s) where you obtained your degree(s), the discipline/field of study, and type of degree earned (e.g. Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the San Jose State University). If you do not possess any of the degrees identified above, type N/A.


How many years of professional experience do you have administering an Emergency Medical Services system?

One (1) year of full-time experience is equivalent to 2,000 hours.

I have less than one (1) year of experience
I have at least one (1) year, but less than two (2) years of experience
I have at least two (2) years, but less than three (3) years of experience
I have at least three (3) years, but less than four (4) years of experience
I have at least four (4) years, but less than five (5) years years of experience
I have five (5) years of experience or more
I do not have any experience

How much of your experience referenced in #2a above included supervising Emergency Medical Service Specialists and related employees (e.g. Trauma Registered Nurses, Epidemiologists, etc.)?


One (1) year of full-time experience is equivalent to 2,000 hours.


I have less than one (1) year of experience
I have at least one (1) year, but less than two (2) years of experience
I have at least two (2) years, but less than three (3) years of experience
I have at least three (3) years, but less than four (4) years of experience
I have at least four (4) years), but less than five (5) years of experience
I have five (5) years of experience or more
I do not have any experience

In accordance with your responses to #2a and #2b above, please provide the name of the employer(s) and the dates (e.g. MM/YYYY – MM/YYYY) where you obtained the verifiable full-time equivalent work experience.

Additionally, please list the name of (a) supervisor(s) or manager(s) who can verify the information provided as well as his or her contact information. If you do not have experience in these areas, please type N/A.


Do you have experience training/developing, coaching, or mentoring Emergency Medical Service Specialists and related employees?

Yes No

Please indicate where you’ve either made presentations or represented your agency for Emergency Medical Services related issues. Select all that apply.

Local government department or agency
State government/regulatory department or agency
Federal government/regulatory department or agency
Emergency Medical Services related advisory board
Governing body (e.g. Board of Supervisors, health board, etc.)
Community organization
None of the above

Do you have experience coordinating training exercises to ensure public/community awareness, engagement, and preparedness in emergency response (e.g. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR))?

Yes No

Do you have experience coordinating with one or more agencies, city departments, or organizations on medical planning for special events (e.g. mass gatherings, concerts, festivals, etc.)?

Yes No

Please identify all departments/entities for which you’ve coordinated Emergency Medical Services. Select all that apply.

911 Dispatch
Hospital or Emergency Department
Fire Department
Police Department
Emergency transport (e.g Ambulance, helicopter, etc.)
Stroke Center
Cardiac Receiving Center
Office of Emergency Services (e.g. disaster)
None of the above

How much experience do you have applying continuous quality improvement methods to improve Emergency Medical Services?

I have less than one (1) year of experience
I have at least one (1) year, but less than two (2) years of experience
I have at least two (2) years, but less than three (3) years of experience
I have at least three (3) years, but less than four (4) years of experience
I have at least four (4) years, but less than five (5) years of experience
I have five (5) years of experience or more
I do not have any experience

Please identify all departments/entities for which you’ve administered contracts, MOUs, or agreements for the provision of Emergency Medical Services. Select all that apply.

911 Dispatch
Hospital or Emergency Department
Fire Department
Police Department
Emergency transport (e.g Ambulance, helicopter, etc.)
Stroke Center
Cardiac Receiving Center
Office of Emergency Services (e.g. disaster)
None of the above

Please identify all departments/entities for which you’ve administered contracts, MOUs, or agreements for the provision of Emergency Medical Services. Select all that apply.

911 Dispatch
Hospital or Emergency Department
Fire Department
Police Department
Emergency transport (e.g Ambulance, helicopter, etc.)
Stroke Center
Cardiac Receiving Center
Office of Emergency Services (e.g. disaster)
None of the above

What is the largest county population for which you’ve been responsible for overseeing/administering an Emergency Medical Services system?

At least 100,000, but less than 200,000
At least 200,000, but less than 300,000
At least 300,000, but less than 400,000
At least 400,000, but less than 500,000
At least 500,000, but less than 600,000
At least 600,000, but less than 700,000
At least 700,000, but less than 800,000
At least 800,000 or more
None of the above

Have you been involved in overseeing the certification of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics?

Yes No

Have you been involved in overseeing investigations related to complaints and allegations of misconduct of EMTs and Paramedics?

Yes No

I understand that checking this box will serve as my electronic signature. I certify that I am the author of this questionnaire and all information presented is true and based upon my education, training, skills, and experience. I understand and agree that any information provided is subject to verification. I also understand that any false, incomplete, or incorrect statement may result in disqualification, termination, or dismissal from employment with the City and County of San Francisco.